
DoorCube 600/1000/1500

The optional DoorCube automates the opening and closing of the manually operated machine doors for uninterrupted manufacturing. This easy to install cube can be assembled on the acubez™ platform and transferred between multiple machines or be permanently assembled on the manufacturing machine.

Door 600

L940 W120 H180

Door 1000

L1340 W120 H180

Door 1500

L1840 W120 H180

best automation platform for CNC machines

Transferable & adaptive

Add the DoorCube to your acubez™ platform to easily automate the manually operated machine door, an in between machines transferable solution

best automation platform for CNC machines

Mount independently

This cube comes ready to install independently on top of manufacturing machines for automated opening and closing

Autodoor - automatische Maschinentüren von Acubez™ (CNC Auto Door) - automatische CNC Tür
CNC Auto Door - Werkzeugmaschinen Tür von Acubez™ - Fertigungsautomotisierung
Autodoor - automatische Maschinentüren von Acubez™ (CNC Auto Door) - automatische CNC Tür
DoorCube 600
DoorCube 1000
DoorCube 1500
L940 W120 H180
L1340 W120 H180
L1840 W120 H180
Max. stroke
600 mm
1000 mm
1500 mm
Max. door weight
Compatible Cube
compatible with all acubez™ configurations

*excluding covering

Lathe Automation Simulator

Watch how the fully automated acubez™ 1000+ configuration works seamlessly with a lathe simulator, making automation easy with the acubez™ DoorCube and a Dual Gripper.

Laser Marking Automation

Case study: view the fully automated acubez™ modular platform, complete with a ConveyorCube, intuitively loading and unloading a LASIT laser marking machine at EMO Milano 2021.

Acubez™ EOAT (Grippers etc.)

The complete line of acubez™ Grippers offers a wide selection of multifunctional gripping solutions to fit nearly every shape and material used during the automated manufacturing processes.

Standardized & flexible grippers (EOATs)

The acubez™ grippers offer a wide selection of multi-functional gripping solutions to fit nearly every shape and material used during the automated manufacturing processes.

Grow as you go

With numerous Plug & Play combinations, you can scale up and expand your automation platform to achieve optimal manufacturing productivity with the addition of SIS™️ enabled modular cubes and add-ons.